Monday, April 18, 2022

Celebrating National Poetry Month

Dixie Poets returns...we had a joint reading at the St. George Library with Dixie State University poets on Thursday April 14. It was nice to be together and sharing our poems publicly. Dixie Poets will continue meeting on our regular schedule 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month and during the summer (no meeting on July 5th) at the St. George Active Life Center from 1:30-3:30 pm. Everyone welcome to join with us.

Poets-l-r 1st row: Marian, Silivia, Marilyn and Roxie
2nd row: Julie, Denis, Lin, Barbara and Markay

Don't forget the National Federation of State Poetry Societies annual Summer conference this year in Columbus, Ohio June 23-26th. Also available on Zoom. For details see

NEW CONTEST OPPORTUNITY-Utah Arts and Museums Annual contest for writing and poetry has one category for poetry. Great prizes. Deadline May2-June 30th, 2022.