Friday, February 26, 2016

MARCH is here....APRIL's coming soon!


Tu, Mar 1st, 2-4 pm DIXIE POETS at St. George Library. Critiques-bring 8-10 copies of 1-2 poems for helpful suggestions from the group. New poets always welcome.

Tu, Mar 15th, 2-4 pm DIXIE POETS at St. George Library. Critiques-bring 8-10 copies of 1-2 poems for helpful suggestions from the group. New poets always welcome.

Th, Mar 17th 7-9 pm REDROCK WRITERS poetry group will meet at Markay’s home, contact her <> All welcome.

Tues, Apr 5th, 2-4 PM DIXIE POETS at St. George Library. Critiques-bring 8-10 copies of 1-2 poems for helpful suggestions from the group. New poets always welcome.

Sat, Apr 9th 8:30-4pm Self Publishing Conference in Kanab.  Pre-registration is only $40, including lunch!  $50 at the door.

Tu, Apr19th, 2-4 pm DIXIE POETS at St. George Library. Critiques-bring 8-10 copies of 1-2 poems for helpful suggestions from the group. New poets always welcome.

**(new) Tu, Apr 19th 4 pm National COWBOY POETRY Week at Santa Clara Library and 6 pm at the St. George Library with Marleen Bussma and others. Free!

Th, Apr 21st, 7-9 pm REDROCK WRITERS poetry group will meet at Markay’s home, contact her for info <> All welcome.

Fri-Sat Apr 22-23 Annual UTSPS April Awards Festival in Layton Utah at the Davis County Conference Center. Register now $100 for two days meetings and dinner on Fri and lunch on Sat. Schedule and more info at

Th, Apr 28th, 4-6 pm Nevada time, Reception for Mesquite Fine Arts Poetry and Art Exhibit open 10am-4pm Mon. through Sat. at 15 W Mesquite Blvd, Mesquite NV 89034     Phone 702.346.1338

Summer workshop  with Dr. David J. Rothman in July 20th-24th in Gunnison Co.


Did you miss it SPRING FESTIVAL of LITERARY ARTS in So. Utah presented by Redrock Writers and Utah State Poetry Society. Here's a report of what we did... More photos:

Th-Mar 3 7-9 pm Z-ARTS free LECTURE-Plein Art Poetry by Dr. Rothman in Springdale's Canyon Community Center. Optional overnight discount lodging available, details at
Fri-Mar 4 9 am-4 pm POETRY IN THE PARK Plein Air Poetry workshop at Zion Park Lodge in Zion Park. Visiting poet-Dr. David J. Rothman from Western Colorado State University-full day of writing, nature walk, and creating, bring sack lunch or eat in Redrock Grill at Zion Park. Fee-$60, discount for UTSPS member.
Fro-Mar 4 7-9 pm CHAPARRAL FORUM AWARDS Program-Free at Social Hall in St. George., hosted by Bedrock Writers.
Sat-Mar 5-REDROCK CREATIVE WRITING SEMINAR at Social Hall in St. George, outstanding presenters:
      Dr. Rothman-Arrive at the Intellect by Way of the Heart
      Marleen Bussma-Passin' It On: Cowboy Poetry
      Brian Passey-Get Lost-Photo Journalism and
      Marilyn Richardson-Tension in Prose: Why it Matters

June 2016 Deadline for Rumi Poetry Club Anthology, more details: 26-40 lines long,capturing the spirit of place, time and people or expressing the joy, pain, reality and romance of life and love in Utah. Looking for fresh, unpublished poems, send a short bio and indicate the poems have not been published elsewhere and you own the copyright. Send to

June 12, 2016 Deadline for submission to League of Utah Writers poetry/prose contest. Details