Wednesday, July 1, 2015

JULY and August are HOT!

SUMMER CALENDAR: because of crowds parked at the St. George library for the splash pad in July and Aug, we'll meet at the Santa Clara Library corner of Sunset & Lava Flow Drive-lots of parking there. We'll change our meeting days to 2nd & 4th Thursdays in July, see Aug schedule below.

Th, July 9, 2-4 pm DIXIE POETS at Santa Clara Library. Lenore Madden will present a lesson on Poetry for two voicescritiques-bring 8-10 copies of 1-2 poems for helpful suggestions from the group. New poets welcome.

Th, July 16, 7-9 pm REDROCK WRITERS poetry group will meet at Markay’s home, contact her for more info. <> All welcome.

Th, July 23, 2-4 pm DIXIE POETS at the Santa Clara Library,  critiques-bring 8-10 copies of 1-2 poems for helpful suggestions from the group. New poets welcome.

Th, Aug 6, 2-4 pm DIXIE POETS at Santa Clara Library. Lesson-?Critiques-bring 8-10 copies of 1-2 poems for helpful suggestions from the group. New poets welcome.

TUESDAY, Aug 18, 2-4 pm DIXIE POETS at the Santa Clara Library,  critiques-bring 8-10 copies of 1-2 poems for helpful suggestions from the group. New poets welcome.

Th, Aug 20, 7-9 pm REDROCK WRITERS poetry group will meet at Markay’s home, contact her for more info. <> All welcome.


Fri-Sat, Aug 28-29 League of Utah Writers annual two day conference in Logan with poetry and writing classes, see

Oct 19-24 St George Book Festival planning underway. More details later. Virginia Grenier co-chair with David Smith and Darren Edwards. Lin Floyd is coordinating poetry activities and Youth Poetry Contest with the theme this year of I WONDER... Helpers needed for the contest and other activities. Opportunity to sell your books. Tues, Oct 20-Special Program honoring Candy Fowler-Utah Poet of the Year at St. George Library 2-4 pm.